Ctrlx training : Mastering kassow robot with rexroth bosch team

11 september 2023
As the time passes, the technology advances. To have everything aligned with the current advance technology, we were given a chance to have a 2-days of training on how to use and run the 7-axis Kassow Robot exclusively by CtrlX Automation from Rexroth Bosch team. The training was held in Mplex Technology on 7th and 8th September 2023. 
With these 2-days training, we were introduced to the Kassow Robot for industrial use. These light weight 7-axis Kassow Robot have payloads of up to 18kg, can reaches up to 1.8m, with speeds of up to 225 degrees per second and are ideal for human-robot collaboration (HRC). The Kassow Robot also, with it’s light weight, made the robot great in maneuverability and around the corner reach with easy drag and drop programming and operations.
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-11 at 15.19.48 (1)
The main purpose of the training  is to prepare us as the newly appointed system integrator by Rexroth Bosch to use the 7-axis Kassow Robot. 
With all these advance technology and features, we are sure this robot can benefits not only us, but also our clients in the near future.
You can also watch some of the training and other updates on TikTok. Do not forget to hit the like button and follow us too!